3D 图层匹配名称

Category Match Name Display Name (EN) 显示名称(中文)
Plane / 面板 ADBE Plane Options Group Geometry Options 几何选项
ADBE Plane Curvature Curvature 弯度
ADBE Plane Subdivision Segments
ADBE Extrsn Options Group Geometry Options 几何选项(C4D 渲染器的)
ADBE Bevel Depth Bevel Depth 斜面深度
ADBE Hole Bevel Depth Hole Bevel Depth 洞斜面深度
ADBE Extrsn Depth Extrusion Depth 凸出深度
Materials / 材质 ADBE Material Options Group Material Options 材质选项
ADBE Light Transmission Light Transmission 透光率
ADBE Ambient Coefficient Ambient 环境
ADBE Diffuse Coefficient Diffuse 漫射
ADBE Specular Coefficient Specular Intensity 镜面强度
ADBE Shininess Coefficient Specular Shininess 镜面反光度
ADBE Metal Coefficient Metal 金属质感
ADBE Reflection Coefficient Reflection Intensity 反射强度
ADBE Glossiness Coefficient Reflection Sharpness 反射锐度
ADBE Fresnel Coefficient Reflection Rolloff 反射衰减
ADBE Transparency Coefficient Transparency 不透明度
ADBE Transp Rolloff Transparency Rolloff 不透明度衰减?
ADBE Index of Refraction Index of Refraction 折射率?